
First SATYA. Then COMPANY. Later D. Ramgopal Varma ventures into the territory he's most comfortable in -- Underworld. CONTRACT looks at terrorism, besides the inter-gang rivalry. But, unfortunately, what comes across is the usual vendetta fare with underworld as the wallpaper, presented with new faces. RGV is amongst the finest storytellers India has produced, no two opinions on that. But howsoever efficient the chef may be, if the meat isn't fresh, no amount of garnishing can make it taste sumptuous. In this case, it's the story [oft-repeated] and screenplay [gripping at few places only, otherwise uninspiring] that throw a spanner. The only thing you carry home is new-find Adhvik Mahajan's cold look, besides his arresting performance. Otherwise, this one's a forgettable venture! The story is just not new. A man is planted in the underworld to get to the gangsters. This man has a personal score to settle as well. How he wins their confidence and starts eliminating them gradually is the crux of the film.


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